Eczema in Babies: Treating Eczema Of The Hands, Causes And Treatments

Eczema in Babies - Hand eczema, causes,symptoms and treatment

Hands are a common part of eczema because they are often exposed and likely to be triggered by eczema. Hand eczema, or hand dermatitis, refers to any type of eczema that develops on the hands. If a child has eczema of hands, consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Eczema is chronic and cannot be cured, but it can be controlled and managed. The key to preventing eczema flares is to treat the symptoms as soon as they appear.

However, What causes eczema in babies has been an issue of much debate. Since, the cause is not known, there are many theories and parents are left speculating whether it’s food, or the pet, or medication, or something they did that is causing their child to flare-up. What triggers one baby’s eczema won’t trigger another’s.

What are the causes of eczema on hands?


The eczema is a skin disease that most often an allergy.

The hands are constantly in contact with many products that can be allergenic. In addition, some people have constitutionally dry skin and therefore have a tendency to have an eczema of dry hands.

Finally, many irritating products, as well as cold, water and dry air, aggravate the tendency to have dry skin of hands.

The most common allergens are:


These are the vulcanizing agents of the rubbers which are involved, and in particular thiuram-mix, mercapto-mix, Carbamate and Mercaptobenzothiazole.

The most exposed professions are users of rubber gloves (nurses, food and more).


  • Nickel (nickel eczema ) is the leader in metallurgy or mechanics but also in traders who handle coins.
  • Chromium and cobalt are also common, found in metallurgy, cement eczema , textile dyes, leather tanning.


The plants and their derivatives (rosin, sesquiterpene lactones, Balsam of Peru) are at the origin of eczema of the hands at the florists, the gardeners and horticulturists, the farmers, the woodworkers, but also the do-it-yourselfers and gardeners to the House.


The main allergens are fragrances (fragrance mix), preservatives (isothiazolinones, Chlorphenesin, Phenoxyethanol, triclosan) and surfactants (Cocamidopropyl betaine, lauryl and decyl glucoside).


Originally described in food professionals, protein eczemas are characterized by redness, itching, and immediate swelling of the urticaria type, followed by the appearance in one to two days of vesicular eczema evolving over the course of the exposures in chronic eczema predominant on the back of the hands and the fingers or the forearms. The allergens involved are numerous, they are proteins contained in fruits and vegetables, fish, dairy products, meats.

What are the Symptoms and Complications of hand eczema?


The atopic dermatitis appears as redness and drying of the skin, which is accompanied by itching. It usually occurs during childhood and may disappear entirely before adulthood. It most often affects the skin behind the knees and around the elbows, as well as the face. In infants, it appears on the chest, face, scalp and neck. Atopic people who contract the herpes simplex virus may develop eczema herpetiformis , which is a dangerous secondary infection of inflamed skin, characterized by an aggravated rash and fever.

Contact dermatitis often causes dry, extremely itchy rashes of red color. Depending on the factor that triggered the reaction, the rash may be painful or create blisters that ooze before forming crusts. Other reactions caused by irritants may cause swelling in the affected area. The affected area may give an indication of the type of allergen or irritant responsible. The most serious forms of contact dermatitis, such as those caused by severe latex reactions, may be accompanied by a life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis, a response to the allergen that spreads throughout the body.

The eczema dyshidrotic causes blisters (the “bulbs”) on the palms, sides of the fingers and the soles. It causes itching that can be accompanied by a burning sensation; the skin may show small cracks or peel.

The nummular eczema manifests itself in the form of red lesions shaped coins on the limbs and torso, which are accompanied by itching and a flow.

The varicose eczema is in the form of heated plates where skin flakes near the lower legs and ankles. Over time, these plaques may turn dark brown in color.

What are the alternate solutions to prevent from hand eczema?

Skin hygiene: it must be gentle, ie non-aggressive and daily. Thus, the bath water should not be too hot (about 35 ° C) and it should use a soap-free washing product that will not alter the protective film of the skin. It is also recommended to add dermatological oils to the bath water to fight against the effects of water that is too calcareous. At the end of the bath, do not rub your child with the towel but dry it gently by gently dabbing his skin.

Do not forget to cream your baby from head to toe with a hypoallergenic product recommended by your doctor or pharmacist. This cream replenishes the over-protective barrier while rehydrating the skin.

Clothing: Repeated rubbing does not improve the condition of these types of skin, so care should be taken not to use coarse or rough clothing. It will also avoid excessive sweating. For all these reasons, cotton seems the most recommended material. When washing laundry do not use an irritant such as softeners and do not overdose in laundry. Choose “hypoallergenic” detergents and rinse your linen carefully. If necessary, ask your pediatrician to tell you which laundry to choose

How to treat the eczema on hands?

How to treat the eczema on hands

Here are some tips that can be helpful:

  • take a bath in warm water and use a mild soap. Minimize the use of soap;
  • Apply a moisturizing agent to the skin immediately after bathing to maintain moisture in the skin. Avoid moisturizers that contain perfumes, as these can make the situation worse;
  • avoid scratching the affected areas. Some people wear cotton gloves at night to avoid scratching while sleeping;
  • keep the nails short;
  • do not allow perspiration to accumulate on the skin;
  • avoid clothes that do not allow the skin to breathe.

Eczema Therapy: skin care

The most important measure of any atopic dermatitis treatment is the daily care of the skin. Which products are suitable in individual cases depends on the condition of the skin. Below given therapies can help and are suitable for all skin types:

Wet Wrap Therapy: This therapy is extremely effective for intense flares, itching and pain. It calms and dehydrates the skin and enhances the effectiveness of the topical medication. For example, whoever suffers from dry skin should have a fatty ointment to use. It is best to cream directly after bathing or showering, without first drying the skin. This keeps the water on the skin moist. For the cracked skin there are special ointments with a very high fat content. They are applied during the night.

Phototherapy For Eczema Works: Yes, it seems to help around 60-70% of patients with eczema who have not responded adequately to topical treatments. When the work is done, a rapid improvement is not achieved as with other treatments. It usually takes 1-2 months of continuous treatment to begin to see improvement.

Fortunately for many patients, when this therapy is used, eczema usually subsides, which means that it can put the eczema in a state of pause for a long period of time, sometimes even after the phototherapy has finished.

What are the Home Remedies for Eczema on Hand?

Want to know how to treat eczema naturally? Well, here are some effective natural remedies for eczema that can help prevent future outbreaks and relieve discomfort during an outbreak.

Lavender essential oil

In addition to improving your mood, lavender essential oil is very useful in the treatment of irritations and inflammation of the skin. According to one study, lavender essential oil relieves the pain and discomfort caused by itching in the area affected by eczema.

Add a few drops of lavender oil to the water in your bath or pour a few drops on a cotton swab and dab them on the affected area.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is best suited to treat any skin condition – from sunburn to eczema. This is because it is the only oil that closely resembles human sebum. Jojoba extracts:

  • Have wax esters that are easily absorbed by the skin.
  • Have anti-inflammatory effects and can relieve any condition of the skin
  • Improve the absorption rate of other topical creams and ointments.


We all know how health contributes to our overall well-being. With healthy bacteria, a number of problems can be alleviated or prevented by the addition of probiotics (including the consumption of fermented foods). However, when treating eczema, the role of probiotics is specific to the strain.

This means that the treatment of the disease depends on the specific strain of the bacteria contained in the probiotic.

Aloe Vera For Eeczema


This herb is well known for its soothing effect on the skin. Aloe Vera works well to relieve eczema because it rehydrates the skin and works well to control dryness.

What you can do is take out the aloe vera gel from the plant and apply it to the affected area (hands and feet).

Frequently Asked Questions

I have eczema on my hands (on my fingers and joints) and not at all on the palm. The dermatologist tells me that this problem is related to my work because I wash my hands too often.

Although I treat my hands with a cortisone cream when they bite me too much, nothing helps. I tried all kinds of natural creams, cortisone as a last resort, but the problem is still present and very unpleasant.

As I have to work, I would like to know if you have some advice to give me to relieve my poor hands that dry up a lot with cortisone, but still sting a little less.

Have you tried to wash your hands less and stop adding cream? Some irritations that resemble eczema are actually related to the chronic irritation of the skin by detergents. And sometimes the solution is to rinse your hands, but not to soap them every time.

Once a day only. It is likely that this is not an allergy to a product you use, but an irritation related to detergents: you probably use oils to massage. Your palms (oil-coated) are protected against detergents, but not the back of your hands.

So when you soap your hands, it is mostly the back of the hands that is assaulted and not the palms coated with oils.

Further Reading On Various Types Of Eczema:

  |    |    |    | Eczema On Neck

School and Day Care when your baby is suffering from eczema

At that particular point, when your child has eczema and goes to the school, you can’t have the same control over his surroundings as you do at the home. In any case, there are still a lot of steps you can take to prevent these bothersome flares and other skin problems when your child is out of the home.


  • Check out the Daycare Center:



When choosing a day-care center, you first want to make sure it has a high-quality program with caring and experienced staff. The better the teachers, the more likely they’ll listen to your concerns about eczema and take good care of your child. For example, make sure that there is no carpeting material, stuffed toys and much more as these can trigger your child’s eczema. Many day care centres have already removed these due to prevalence of eczema and allergies, to ensure  your child grow in a healthy environment.


  • Usage of own products:



One of the major worries is that the hand-washing products that are used in the day care centres may dry out your kid’s skin as these centres use many hard-hand washing products and can aggravate eczema. Send your kids with their own hand sanitizing products,  cleaning and moisturising kit with a gentle cleanser like petroleum jelly to evenly treat dry, flaky skin patches.


  • Avoid Food Allergies  



The food allergies and eczema go side by side. As the school cafeteria could be a risky spot for children with serious food allergies. You need to ensure that your kid isn’t exposed to foods that may harm his skin and cause reactions. Peanut sensitivities are a standout amongst the most well-known food allergies.Make sure that the school or the day care center is peanut free. If also the allergy is life-threatening, keep an EpiPen at the school in case your child is directly exposed to the allergic food stuff. Remember to send your child with a stockpile of snacks. Try and find some enticing flavours and allergen-free snacks for your kid  that can help your child.


  • Talk to the School Staff:



Try not to sit idle for a skin issue to happen. Always have a conversation with your kid’s teachers, school authorities, school’s medical attendant and also ensure the fact that they all are much aware of your child’s problem. Leave medicine at the medical attendant’s office including antihistamines, steroids, petroleum jelly so that they should have them on the time when your child shows any symptoms or sign of the skin reaction.

Eczema is a serious skin condition that is affecting a large share of the population but by taking proper measures  you can try to prevent the causes and keep your child’s skin much healthy.

Effective Home Remedies for Dyshidrotic Eczema

Eczema, a chronic skin disorder that is characterized by the appearance of red, irritating, tiny patches on the body, can be very difficult to manage. The cause of the skin disorder is still unknown however, however, a few theories suggest that genetic makeup or the environmental changes can cause the prevailing skin condition. You can manage  the disease by following the proper home remedies for dyshidrotic eczema. With the passage of time the skin  becomes rough, scaly and irritable, if not properly managed. Here, are few tips that will help you manage your eczema symptoms:

    • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is an effective herbal remedy to reduce skin inflammation and for speeding up the skin healing process. The plant has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that will help you to get rid of eczema. Apply aloe vera gel 2-3 times to the affected skin on hands and feet. Applying Aloe Vera to the skin is one of the best home remedies for dyshidrotic eczema. Also, if you have aloe vera plant at your home then just peel off the outer skin of the leaf and apply the inner gel directly to the eczematic area.


    • Oatmeal: The effective home remedy for dyshidrotic eczema that can help you to get clear, smooth and calm skin. Oatmeal baths help in soothing your irritated red skin and reduce itching. Take finely ground oatmeal, mix it with water to make a paste and apply gently to your skin. Let it dry and rinse off with water. Also, take oatmeal baths to help you get rid of the skin irritability.


    • Coconut Oil: The use of natural moisturizers like coconut oil to treat the skin condition can help you soothe your skin. When itching looks like a never ending battle, the natural moisturizers can help you effectively. Apply a thin layer of extra virgin coconut oil to the affected skin so that the skin’s moisture is already sealed inside. Coconut Oil acts as one of the best home remedies for dyshidrotic eczema and also helps in keeping your skin smooth, calm and moisturized all day long.


    • Cold Compress: Cold therapy can help reduce the skin inflammation, irritation and numb the nerve endings that generate the irritation in your eczema affected part. Soak a clean cloth in an ice cold water and apply it on the eczema affected skin. Wrap your inflamed skin with a cold compress for approx. 10-15 minutes two three times on daily basis or as needed.



  • Low Temperature Baths & Showers: Extremely high temperature water baths or hot water baths usually make your skin dry as it is responsible for removing natural oils from your skin. Spending approx. 15 to 20 minutes in a cool water bath on a regular basis can help to hydrate your skin.


These effective home remedies for dyshidrotic eczema can help you heal the chronic skin disease from inside to out and can prove to diminish break-outs and the flare-ups on your skin.

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